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Publish with Us

Prasad Psycho is a well-known firm for its publication in the stream of psychological assessments. Getting your scales or research papers published in a well-known and peer reviewed journal helps you advance your career and signifies & establishes your knowledge in the field of psychometrics.

Students or professionals who wish to get their scales or/and research papers published in any of these journals, can mail their scale or research papers or articles at

Publication for Scales:

For the past five decades, many renowned authors have collaborated with Prasad Psycho and have their scales published. Researchers or Authors who wish to collude for their scale publication are appropriately guided by our research team. In order to get their scale published, there is a proper format that needs to be fulfilled by the authors.

Publication for Research Papers:

Prasad Psycho publishes research papers in their well-known peer-reviewed journals which are mentioned below. The names of those journals are:


Psychology in India – ISSN – 2319796X
Psychology in India is a bi-annual journal published in January and July. The purpose is to publish and promote dissemination of work done by researchers, scholars, teachers and other psychology professionals working in India. It encourages publishing latest empirical works done on Indian sample, through presentation of novel idea.


Psyber News – ISSN – 09760709 [UGC Listed: 4439]
PSYBER NEWS is a half-yearly peer reviewed, need based International Psychological Research Publication under the patronage of Prasad Psycho Corporation India, to publish wide range of articles pertaining to different perspectives of methodologies and techniques in Psychological research. It includes two sections: (a) Research articles and (b) Current news.


Journal of Positive Psychology – ISSN – 2249-6254
Journal of Positive Psychology. This journal gives a platform to young professionals and researchers interested in positive approach to psychology. The aim and scope of JPP is to promote positive thinking. The journal is published bi-annually by Indian Institute of Psychology. Articles related to positivism, motivation, happiness, life skills and many more positive aspects are welcomed for publication.


Indian Journal of Behavioral Research and Therapy – ISSN – 23197978
IJBRT is an official research journal published bi-annually. Behavioral research can be multidisciplinary collaborative research including Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Neurology, Medical Imaging, Neuropsychology, etc. Behavioral science research has generated a lot of research interest among researchers. This journal is dedicated to the advancement of articles and research works in the field of clinical psychology, therapeutic interventions and Psychiatry etc.


Indian Journal of Developmental Disability – ISSN – 23197951
IJDD is a bi-annual journal designed to publish original research, theoretical papers and critical reviews on various aspects of developmental disabilities. The aim of the journal is to publish articles related to community services as well as research related to children with developmental disability, following methodologically sound approach.

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