According to the American Psychological Association resilience is “the process and outcome of successfully adapting to complex or challenging life experiences, especially through mental, emotional, and behavioural flexibility and adjustment to external and internal demands. A number of factors contribute to how well people adapt to adversities, predominant among them are-
(a) the ways in which individuals view and engage with the world
(b) the availability and quality of social resources
(c) specific coping strategies.
Psychological research demonstrates that the resources and skills associated with more positive adaptation (i.e., greater resilience) can be cultivated and practised. Also called psychological resilience. The Scale measures resilience levels in the age range of 18-60 years. It consists of 23 items on a 5-point Likert Scale. It is available in the English language and the time taken is 20 to 25 mins. Can be used for research and counseling purposes