The Test of Adolescent/Adult Word Finding–Second Edition is a norm-referenced, single-word expressive language test expressly designed to assess the word-finding ability of adolescents and adults. It can be used to identify individuals who have word-finding problems, plan word finding intervention, and measure word finding ability in research studies.
Features of the TAWF-2:
1. All new normative data were collected in 2009-2013
2. New noun and verb target words have been added
3. Contains both the 80-item Complete Test and the 28-item Brief Test for use with examinees or in situations where the Complete Test is not feasible
4. Studies showing the absence of racial and gender bias are reported
5. Information pertaining to the TAWF-2’s diagnostic accuracy (sensitivity, specificity, and ROC/AUC) is provided
6. The lexical processing model underlying TAWF-2 has been updated to reflect current thinking regarding word retrieval
7. The Comprehension Check functions as a built-in assessment of examinees’ word knowledge
Adolescents and adults with diagnosed word finding difficulties were included in the norming sample
8. The standardized assessment and informal analyses are integral features of comprehensive word finding assessments