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Occupational Stress Inventory – Revised (OSI-R)

Samuel H. Osipow
18 - 70 Years
30 minutes
PRODUCT CODE: 20-1170-KT Category: Product ID: 8594




The OSI-R is a concise measure of three domains of occupational adjustment: occupational stress, psychological strain, and coping resources. The original research edition of the OSI was designed to (a) develop an integrated theoretical model to link these three important dimensions, and (b) develop generic occupational stress measures that would apply across different occupational levels and environments. This revision provides normative data for both gender and specific occupational categories (i.e., executive, professional, technical, administrative support, public service/safety, and agricultural/production/labourer). OSI-R Scales Assess Three Dimensions of Occupational Adjustment. Occupational stress is measured by a set of six scales that comprise the Occupational Roles Questionnaire (ORQ). The ORQ scales measure the following stress-inducing work roles: Role Overload, Role Insufficiency, Role Ambiguity, Role Boundary, Responsibility, and Physical Environment. Psychological strain is measured by a set of four scales that comprise the Personal Strain Questionnaire (PSQ). The PSQ scales reflect affective responses in four major categories: Vocational Strain, Psychological Strain, Interpersonal Strain, and Physical Strain. Coping resources are measured by four scales that comprise the Personal Resources Questionnaire (PRQ): Recreation, Self-Care, Social Support, and Rational/Cognitive Coping. Organizational/occupational assessment can help to identify the sources of stress and the symptoms of strain prevalent in a specific occupational unit or group. Programs for employee assistance and counselling can utilize the results of the OSI-R to help the individual understand the sources of his or her occupational stress. Career counselling may help an employee to either adjust to the present situation or change to a more appropriate position. The OSI-R can serve as a reliable and consistent outcome measure to establish the effectiveness of individual or organizational interventions.

Additional information


Samuel H. Osipow


18 – 70 Years

Age Filter

Adolescent, Adult, Gereatric




30 minutes



Kit Content

OSI-R Professional Manual, 25 Reusable Item Booklets, 50 Rating Sheets, 50 Gender- Specific Profile Forms, and 50 Generic Profile Forms.

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