The NEO-4 provides information on four personality domains: Extraversion, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness. It is designed for use in employment and personal counselling settings involving activities such as career counselling, career development, and employee training, where these four domains are the main focus. Therefore, items in the Neuroticism domain relating to individual differences in such personality traits as anxiety and depression, which may not be relevant in career development settings, have not been included in the NEO-4. Three brief validity checks are provided on the answer sheet to alert the test administrator that an individual’s responses should be viewed with caution. The 192 NEO-4 questionnaire items and the scoring keys are identical to those of the E, O, A, and C factors of the NEO PI-R™. Norms for the NEO-4 are based on the NEO PI-R combined-gender normative sample. Detailed information about the rationale, development, reliability, factor structure, and validity of these four factors is available in the NEO PI-R Professional Manual.