The MFaCTs Calculation test is suitable for either individual or group administration, depending on the level of supervision available. Only the Fluency tests are timed; 5 minutes for Grades 1 – 2, and 3 minutes allowed for Grades 3 – 5.
The MFaCTs have five components. They include the following:
1. Examiner’s Manual. This component provides information about how to administer, score, and interpret the MFaCTs, as well as technical information (i.e., norms, reliability, and validity).
2. Fluency: Grades 1-2. This Record Sheet contains basic addition and subtraction facts and space for the student to respond. It also provides space for the examiner to score the items; sum the raw scores; and record the raw scores, standard scores, and percentile ranks. There are three forms of this component: Form A, Form B, and Form C.
3. Fluency: Grades 3-5. This Record Sheet contains basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts and space for the student to respond. It also provides space for the examiner to score the items; sum the raw scores; and record the raw scores, standard scores, and percentile ranks. There are three forms of this component: Form A, Form B, and Form C.
4. Calculation: Grades 1-5. This Record Booklet contains calculation problems and space for the student to respond. It also provides space for the examiner to score the items; sum the raw scores; and record the raw scores, standard scores, and percentile ranks. There are three forms of this component: Form A, Form B, and Form C.
5. Examiner Summary Sheet. This component provides space for the examiner to record performance for all three forms of the test for both the Fluency and Calculation tests.