The Institutional Adjustment Inventory for Teachers (IAIT-RHA) is used to measure the adjustment level of pre-primary to higher education teachers in the institutions, where they are working. It is assessed at three levels of adjustment -1.well adjusted, 2. Average adjusted, 3. Low adjusted. The author is hopeful that the inventory will certainly be worthy for teacher-educators, policy planners, academic administrators, managers, principals, teachers, and researchers. The test will be helpful for NCTE, NIOS, AICTE, CBSE, ICSE, KVS, Navodaya Vidyalaya, other central and state teachers’ recruitment boards/councils/agencies/departments, and private school administrators/principals for assessment of adjustment level of pre-primary to higher and technical education teachers. DIET and other teacher training institutes may use the inventory for assessing the adjustment level of in-service teachers. Private schools and colleges can also use the test to assess the adjustment level of in-service teachers.