The Cognitive Assessment System–Second Edition (CAS2) is a well-researched, norm-referenced measure of cognitive ability based on the well-researched cognitive/neuropsychological theory called PASS (Planning, Attention, Simultaneous, and Successive). The CAS2 was designed to measure cognitive processing abilities important for a broad range of differential diagnoses and instructional planning in individuals ages 5-0 through 18-11. CAS2 provides practitioners with a valid and reliable tool to evaluate children’s strengths and weaknesses in important areas of cognitive processing.
1. Allows you to determine intra-individual differences with tables that reveal the significance of differences between the four PASS scale standard scores. Difference tables are also provided for scaled subtest scores within each PASS Scale.
2. An Interpretive Worksheet enables you to calculate and record PASS Scale comparisons, first-to-second administration comparisons, and supplemental composite scores and to perform subtest analyses.