The new Test of Silent Word Reading Fluency- Second Edition (TOSWRF-2) provides a reliable and valid measure of a student’s ability to recognize printed words accurately and efficiently.
The TOSWRF-2 is a companion to the Test of Silent Contextual Reading Fluency- Second Edition (TOSCRF-2). While the TOSWRF-2 measures a student’s ability to recognize individual words accurately and efficiently, the TOSCRF-2 measures a student’s essential contextual reading abilities (i.e., word identification, word meaning, word building, sentence structure, comprehension, and fluency).
TOSWRF-2 measures a student’s current reading levels by counting the number of printed words that they can identify within 3 minutes. Students are presented with rows of words, ordered by reading difficulty; no spaces appear between the words (e.g., dimhowfigblue). Students are given 3 minutes to draw a line between the boundaries of as many words as possible (e.g., dim/how/fig/blue).
The TOSWRF-2 can be used to:
- Identify students with word-level and general reading difficulties and document the degree of their problems.
- Screen large numbers of students at once.
- Monitor student progress up to four times per year.
- Research the nature of reading difficulties.