It measures the great importance of teaching and is a key requirement to make it a true profession, and therefore, it is essential to have adequate growth of specialization and expertise of teachers. This scale has 72 items consisting of twelve dimensions. Each dimension has 6 statements that pertain to a particular aspect of the teaching effectiveness of teachers. The twelve aspects dealt with within the scale are Locus of Control (LC), Interest (In), Planning of Teaching (PT), Teaching Skills (TS), Subject Knowledge (SK), Disciplinary Behaviour (DB), Teacher Role Behaviour (TRB), Awareness in Teacher Role (ATR), Making in Learning Atmosphere (MLA), Teaching Method (TM), Application of Teacher’s Capacity (ATC) and Communication Behaviour (CB). The age range is 25-30 years (Adults). It is available in Bilingual (English and Hindi language) and the time limit is 15-25 minutes.