With School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory (SMALSI), the skills related to academic success early in a student’s school career can be measured. This allows you to address any weaknesses pro-actively rather than waiting for repeated academic failures to determine that a student needs help.
Designed for both special and general education students, this self-report inventory assesses 10 primary constructs associated with academic motivation, learning strategies, and study habits 7 focusing on student strengths and 3 focusing on student liabilities: Study Strategies, Note-Taking/Listening Skills, Reading/Comprehension Strategies, Writing/Research Skills, Test-Taking Strategies, Organizational Techniques, Time Management, Liabilities, Low Academic Motivation, Test Anxiety, Concentration/Attention Difficulties. Scores from these scales provide enough information to identify problems that interfere with academic development. An Inconsistent Responding index is also included as a validity measure.
The SMALSI is available in two forms the Child Form (147 items) and the Teen Form (170 items). Both forms are written at a third-grade reading level. Both use a 4-point response scale, ranging from “Never” to “Almost Always.” Scored by hand, Mail-In Answer Sheet, or computer, the SMALSI provides multiple scores, rather than one overall score. The unlimited-use scoring CD (W-398U-3) offers you an efficient and cost-effective way to screen large school populations. The SMALSI audio CD allows poor readers, who are often at risk for academic failure, to complete the SMALSI by listening to test items and then responding.